Nicole Wilkins-Lee - Fitness and Figure Competitor
This is fitness / figure competitor Nicole Wilkins-Lee.
This five foot seven, 144 pound fitness beauty was born on February 5th, 1984 in Royal Oak, Michigan.
Like a lot of other fitness stars, Nicole started out in gymnastics.
As a matter of fact, she was a competitive gymnast for twelve years.
But because of some knee surgeries, she had to re-think her future.
After she attended the 2002 Arnold Classic, she knew what that future was.
Nicole got her IFBB Figure and Fitness cards back in 2007 at the same contest.
No small feat.
And check out her fitness contest history:
2007 NPC Junior Nationals Bodybuilding, Fitness and Figure Contest - 2nd Place
2007 NPC Team Universe Bodybuilding, Fitness and Figure Championships - 1st
2008 IFBB Olympia - 9th
2008 IFBB Pittsburgh Pro Figure - 2nd
2008 IFBB New York Pro Fitness - 3rd
2008 IFBB Arnold Classic Bodybuilding, Fitness and Figure Contest - 11th
2009 IFBB Olympia - 1st
2009 IFBB New York Pro Figure - 1st
2009 IFBB Europa Show of Champions - 1st
2009 IFBB New York Pro Fitness - 4th
2009 IFBB Arnold Classic - 8th
2010 IFBB Arnold Classic, Ms. International, Fitness International and Figure International - 1st
2010 IFBB Olympia - 2nd
You can keep up with Nicole at her official site here:
Or her MySpace Page here:
Or at Facebook here:
Nicole Wilkins-Lee - Fitness and Figure Competitor, posted to on January 20th, 2011
Jill Papapanu - Fitness Model and Fitness Competitor
This beautiful young lady is Jill Papapanu, a veteran of the US Navy (she was a U.S. Navy rescue swimmer) and aspiring fitness model and fitness competitor.
She's five foot eight, 150 pounds and is originally from Sarver, Pennsylvania, but resides in Tampa, Florida right now.
Jill has appeared in Oxygen Magazine (Future of Fitness January 2010), the Power Plank Infomercial (, Good Day Tampa Bay Fitness, and as a MTV Spin Masters TV pilot promo model.
She also played football for The Tampa Breeze, Tampa’s Lingerie Football Team.
When Jill isn't perfecting her body, she is a government contractor.
There are lots of places you can keep up with Jill on the net...
Her Blog:
Her Facebook:
Her MySpace page:
And that's just a few, she's all over the internet!
Jill Papapanu - Fitness Model and Fitness Competitor, posted to on January 4th, 2011