Tanya Merryman-Female Fitness Competitor
Photo: Rick Dobbins, http://www.myspace.com/pdpfit
Female fitness competitor and figure competitor Tanya Merryman was one of the first women I profiled here on this blog.
That was back in June of 2007.
Actually I did my first entry on her on my Beautiful Women blog back in February of 2007.
But where a lot of fitness models fade away, Tanya has come back stronger than ever.
Tanya won the Fitness America Pageant title back in 1998.
And even though she has taken time off in the past, she is coming back like gangbusters now.
Even though for the moment she is sidelined with a ACL injury according to her blog.
Recent Contest History:
2007 NPC National Championships, 1st place
2008 IFBB Arnold Classic Bodybuilding, Fitness And Figure Contest, 12th place
2008 IFBB 15th Annual Sports/Fitness Weekend & Europa IFBB Super Show, 11th place
2008 IFBB Tournament of Champions Pro Figure, 10th place
2009 IFBB California State Pro Figure Championships, 15th place
You can find out more about Tanya and keep up with her current activities at her website:
And you can see more of Rick Dobbins' amazing photography here:
Top Ten Female Fitness Stars in July
I haven't done a top ten on this blog in a while (if ever actually), so here are the top ten most searched for female fitness competitors, figure competitors, fitness models and female bodybuilders on this blog.
1. Megan Thomas
Number one on the list is personal trainer, fitness model, NPC figure competitor, MMA fighter and mother, Megan Thomas.
2. Andrea Cox
When I did my last entry on Andrea (actually there have been two) I didn't know she was a reflexologist and now a raw food advocate.
You can visit her website at http://www.thehealthyhaven.net/ and the raw food must work for her because she is still gorgeous.
3. Juliana Malacarne
Powerfully built would be an understatement for IFBB Figure Pro Juliana Malacarne.
4. Lisa Lowe
90s fitness star Lisa Lowe is still very popular so it seems. I even did a Hub Page on her.
5. Jackie Roberts
FAME Bikini Model Pro, Women's Tri-Fitness Athlete, ON/ABB Sponsored Athlete, fitness model, swimwear model and personal fitness trainer Jackie Roberts came in fifth.
Jackie is another young lady I did a Hub Page on.
6. Andrea Giacomi
5'8, 174 pound female bodybuilder Andrea Giacomi came in sixth.
7. Charlene Rink
This IFBB Pro Fitness competitor does wrestling, mixed wrestling and boxing. And she has a very large and loyal internet following.
8. Gabrielle Resnick
One of my favorites. (and not just because she actually visited the blog). I've done entries on her here and my Most Beautiful Women Blog.
9. Kristal Richardson
IFBB Professional Figure Competitor and personal trainer.
10. Laurie Donnelly
The Former ESPN Bodyshaping star and Former Ms Fitness America is still very active on the web proving some things never do go out of style.
posted to http://femalefitnessfigurebodybuilders.blogspot.com/ August 27th, 2009
1. Megan Thomas
Number one on the list is personal trainer, fitness model, NPC figure competitor, MMA fighter and mother, Megan Thomas.
2. Andrea Cox
When I did my last entry on Andrea (actually there have been two) I didn't know she was a reflexologist and now a raw food advocate.
You can visit her website at http://www.thehealthyhaven.net/ and the raw food must work for her because she is still gorgeous.
3. Juliana Malacarne
Powerfully built would be an understatement for IFBB Figure Pro Juliana Malacarne.
4. Lisa Lowe
90s fitness star Lisa Lowe is still very popular so it seems. I even did a Hub Page on her.
5. Jackie Roberts
FAME Bikini Model Pro, Women's Tri-Fitness Athlete, ON/ABB Sponsored Athlete, fitness model, swimwear model and personal fitness trainer Jackie Roberts came in fifth.
Jackie is another young lady I did a Hub Page on.
6. Andrea Giacomi
5'8, 174 pound female bodybuilder Andrea Giacomi came in sixth.
7. Charlene Rink
This IFBB Pro Fitness competitor does wrestling, mixed wrestling and boxing. And she has a very large and loyal internet following.
8. Gabrielle Resnick
One of my favorites. (and not just because she actually visited the blog). I've done entries on her here and my Most Beautiful Women Blog.
9. Kristal Richardson
IFBB Professional Figure Competitor and personal trainer.
10. Laurie Donnelly
The Former ESPN Bodyshaping star and Former Ms Fitness America is still very active on the web proving some things never do go out of style.
posted to http://femalefitnessfigurebodybuilders.blogspot.com/ August 27th, 2009
Kortney Olson-KO
This young lady is Kortney Olson also known simply as "KO".
She's a Scorpio (as you may have noticed from her tattoo) and she has 15 inch biceps, 27 inch quads and 18 inch calves.
KO is 5'7 and 147 pounds.
This young lady had put a lot of time and effort into her body and it really shows.
Besides lifting weights, she does kempo, jujitsu and golf.
Imagine her going into MMA.....
There are lots of places you can keep up with KO on the net including her MySpace page, her website and her ModelMayhem page.
Do a search on her on YouTube and you'll find several videos of her.
She says she wants to be famous and I think she is well on her way.
Here is one of those videos posted by KrivStudiosBlog on YouTube.
You can see KO doing a little flexing, carrying bikini competitor Abby Marie, and a short bit of KO arm wrestling.
If you like the video, check out KrivStudiosBlog and click the little subscribe button there.
Female Fitness Competitor Nicole Warburg
This beautiful and muscular young lady is female fitness competitor Nicole Warburg.
Nicole was born in Ashberton (Pietermaritzburg), Kwa-Zulu Natal, South Africa on Februrary 21st, 1984.
She is a Biokineticist.
Okay I had to look that one up.
Biokinetics is the application of therapeutic exercise in rehabilitative treatment or performance enhancement.
Nicole is 5'1 and weighs 120 pounds.
Contest History:
Ms Fitness South Africa 2007
FAME SA 2007-fitness and figure
Mr and Ms Fitness SA
IFBB SA Muscle Evolution Grand Prix
IFBB Provincials
IFBB Nationals Fitness Division
FAME SA Championships 2008-Figure 1st place
Nicole also writes for Fitness Magazine in South Africa and you can see more about that here:
You can also follow Nicole on Twitter:
Or you can keep up with this lovely female fitness competitor on Facebook:
posted to http://femalefitnessfigurebodybuilders.blogspot.com/ on August 17th, 2009
Nicole was born in Ashberton (Pietermaritzburg), Kwa-Zulu Natal, South Africa on Februrary 21st, 1984.
She is a Biokineticist.
Okay I had to look that one up.
Biokinetics is the application of therapeutic exercise in rehabilitative treatment or performance enhancement.
Nicole is 5'1 and weighs 120 pounds.
Contest History:
Ms Fitness South Africa 2007
FAME SA 2007-fitness and figure
Mr and Ms Fitness SA
IFBB SA Muscle Evolution Grand Prix
IFBB Provincials
IFBB Nationals Fitness Division
FAME SA Championships 2008-Figure 1st place
Nicole also writes for Fitness Magazine in South Africa and you can see more about that here:
You can also follow Nicole on Twitter:
Or you can keep up with this lovely female fitness competitor on Facebook:
posted to http://femalefitnessfigurebodybuilders.blogspot.com/ on August 17th, 2009
Fitness Model: Karen Pang
This is kind of a cross over post, as I have done a couple of write ups on fitness competitor, fitness model and swimsuit model Karen Pang over at my Asian Fitness blog.
She even came in third in the most popular women on that blog for June.
Karen stands 5'2 and weighs 107 pounds, and she can look very ripped and lean for fitness shots, and look softer for swimsuit photos.
Contest History:
2007 WNSO National Pro Champion Swimsuit Model
2007 Bikini America Top 10 Finalist
2008 Bikini Universe (Short Class) 1st Runner Up
2009 WBFF BC (Bikini) 2nd place
Karen will be competing in the 2009 Canadian Nationals.
You can see more of this stunning young lady here:
And of course at her MySpace page here:
And REALLY follow Karen Pang at Twitter here:
Fitness Model, Cassandra Hope
Cassandra is from Toronto, Ontario, Canada ( I still say they are doing some kind of genetic engineering up there).
She is 5'4 and weighs 125.
I think she is gorgeous, but to compete (and she does) she may have to get a bit more ripped to get the judge's attention.
I don't think she has any trouble getting attention from anyone else though.
Cassandra doesn't have her personal site up yet, but you can find out more about her at her ModelMayhem.com page here:
posted to http://femalefitnessfigurebodybuilders.blogspot.com/ on August 10, 2009
She is 5'4 and weighs 125.
I think she is gorgeous, but to compete (and she does) she may have to get a bit more ripped to get the judge's attention.
I don't think she has any trouble getting attention from anyone else though.
Cassandra doesn't have her personal site up yet, but you can find out more about her at her ModelMayhem.com page here:
posted to http://femalefitnessfigurebodybuilders.blogspot.com/ on August 10, 2009
Kendra Elias, IFBB Fitness Competitor
You know I thought I had already done a write up on Kendra Elias, but evidently I was wrong.
This beautiful IFBB fitness competitor stands 5'1 and weighs 105-115 pounds.
Kendra has appeared in Flex and Muscle and Fitness HERS magazines.
She and her husband both do online personal training at their website:
Contest History:
2005 IFBB Europa Super Show, 5th place
2006 IFBB Europa Super Show, 8th place
2006 IFBB Atlantic City Pro, 8th place
2007 IFBB Europa Super Show, 8th place
2007 IFBB All Star Pro Fitness Championships, 7th place
2007 IFBB Santa Susanna Bodybuilding And Figure Contest, 5th place
2007 IFBB Palm Beach Pro/Am, 8th place
2008 IFBB New York Pro Fitness, 5th place
And if all this isnt enough, you can visit her MySpace page here:
posted to http://femalefitnessfigurebodybuilders.blogspot.com/, August 6th, 2009
Female Fitness Model, Jennifer Nicole Lee
This is the third time Jennifer Nicole Lee has shown up on this blog.
Heck, I could probably do a whole blog on just her.
Besides having an amazing physique, she has this animal intenstiy in her pictures.
I guess that's what got her the nickname "La Tigre".
Not content to just appear on the covers of over 30 magazines as a fitness model, Jennifer is also celebrity trainer, lifestyle and wellness expert and author.
Of course if you know anything about Jennifer, you have heard the story of how she lost 80 pounds after the birth of her children and got into the shape she's in today.
Which is incredible.
Jennifer is the official spokesperson for Ab Circle Pro, and she will be making two appearances on HSN, Sunday August 9th at 9:00 am, 2:00 pm and 9:00 pm EST and again on Monday August 10th at 9:00 am, and 8:00 pm EST.
If you want to keep up with Jennifer, you can visit her MySpace page at:
Or her website at http://www.jennifernicolelee.com/
More Jennifer here:
Jennifer Nicole Lee - Fitness Model